Arbitrary-phase locking of fiber unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometers
Here we demonstrate an innovative method for arbitrary-phase locking of fiber unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometers. Compared with existing methods, our method is much simpler. We showcase the preparation and characterization of a narrow-band, energy-time-entangled photon state generated in integrated nonlinear microresonators, where two-photon interference visibility reaches 0.993(6).
넶43 ¥ 0.00 -
Ultralow-Loss Integrated Photonics Enables Bright, Narrowband, Photon-Pair Sources
Here, we demonstrate an integrated, microresonator-based, narrowband photon-pair source. The integrated microresonator, made of silicon nitride and fabricated using a standard CMOS foundry process, features ultralow loss down to 0.03 dB/cm and intrinsic 𝑄 factor exceeding 10^7. The photon-pair source has brightness of 1.17×10^9 Hz/mW^2/GHz and linewidth of 25.9 MHz, both of which are record values for silicon-photonics-based quantum light source.
넶35 ¥ 0.00 -
A wideband, high-resolution vector spectrum analyzer for integrated photonics
Here we demonstrate a novel vector spectrum analyzer (VSA) that is capable of characterizing passive devices and active laser sources in one setup. Such a dual-mode VSA can measure loss, phase response, and dispersion properties of passive devices. It also can coherently map a broadband laser spectrum into the RF domain. The VSA features a bandwidth of 55.1 THz (1260–1640 nm), a frequency resolution of 471 kHz, and a dynamic range of 56 dB.
넶23 ¥ 0.00 -
Frequency-comb-linearized, widely tunable lasers for coherent ranging
Here we present an approach to characterize laser chirp dynamics using an optical frequency comb. The instantaneous laser frequency is tracked over terahertz bandwidth at 1 MHz intervals. In addition, with acquired knowledge of laser chirp dynamics, we demonstrate a simple frequency-linearization scheme that enables coherent ranging without any optical or electronic linearization unit.
넶36 ¥ 0.00