Optical interferometers are extensively used in fundamental physics studies, gravitational wave detection, quantum metrology, topological photonics, and quantum information processing. Fiber-based interferometers are compact, mechanically robust, and cheap, and thus are ubiquitously deployed. However, the optical phase in fiber interferometers is sensitive to ambient perturbation, resulting in compromised phase-sensing precision. Therefore, phase control, shifting, and stabilization of fiber interferometers are essential. Methods to create stable interference patterns and to lock a fiber interferometer at arbitrary phase have been shown, which however are sophisticated, bulky, and delicate, preventing wider application in harsh environments outside laboratories or in space. Here we demonstrate an innovative method for arbitrary-phase locking of fiber unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometers. Compared with existing methods, our method is much simpler. We showcase the preparation and characterization of a narrow-band, energy-time-entangled photon state generated in integrated nonlinear microresonators, where two-photon interference visibility reaches 0.993(6). Our method constitutes a critical building block for photonic quantum networks, and is useful to emerging single-photon interference in curved space-time that facilitates exploration of the interface of quantum mechanics and general relativity.
Read more at Physical Review Applied 22, 054051 (2024)